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Har​monic Sounds for Healing - Tuning Fork Therapy 

Training Course Information

Rowena McKee is a Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Specialist, Instructor, and Researcher within the field of Sound and Frequency healing, and has been a Tuning Fork Sound Healing Practitioner since 2012 and a Tuning Fork Sound Healing Instructor for the past seven years. She is a classically trained pianist and was a piano instructor for many years. Her knowledge of music theory and specific tones/frequencies has greatly assisted her with this modality.

Rowena is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Nutritionist, Meridian Psychotherapist & EFT Practitioner and brings her knowledge base into her Tuning Fork Sound Healing Training Classes to assist her students in understanding how to use tuning forks to balance the systems of the body, understand their inner working, function, and the structure of the body. Her ability to use and teach proven frequencies to facilitate healing through the principle of resonance has been remarkable. These tuning fork frequencies are excellent in assisting to release pain, inflammation, tension, and energy stagnation, and reactivating the innate cellular blueprint to reenergize function and bring balance and harmony.


If you are interested in going through any of the training courses or the entire certification program please contact Rowena at for additional information and to learn how to get started.


Cost for Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Courses

Each Course module may be paid in one payment or in two or three payments of $225 each, depending upon how many levels are in each module

To purchase any of Harmonic Sounds for Healing Tuning Fork Training Courses contact Rowena at


All Courses are offered at your own pace via Video and Online Live classes as they become available


Courses Offered

Basic Tuning Fork Therapy Training 

(Class Video Available Levels 1-3, approx. 17 hours of training)

Tuition Cost: $675 (includes post-class support/mentoring as needed - the tuition does not include the cost of the course tuning forks)

Tuning Forks Taught: 8 pc. Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Fork Set, 5 pc Harmonic Spectrum Sharp Set, 999 Hz, 586 Hz.

Course Description

This class is for those who wish to learn more about tuning fork sound healing therapy.  Specific tuning fork frequencies will be taught for personal use to keep one balanced and in harmony physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  They will also be taught to the professional who wants a comprehensive introduction to sound healing, tuning fork training therapy leading to the creation of or adding to a current healing modality.

More people are recognizing the benefits of Sound Healing for staying healthy and maintaining coherence between body, mind, and spirit. Sound Healing is one of those modalities that can greatly assist the nervous system and all body systems. 

Many professionals are also recognizing how sound healing therapy can enhance their practices. Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Reflexologists, Counselors, Life Coaches, Reiki Practitioners, EFT Practitioners, Energy Workers, and many other modalities all benefit from Sound Healing Tuning Fork Therapy.

There will be 8 Tuning Forks in this level one class. These professional-quality tuning forks will be available for purchase. We will use a basic tuning fork set that has wide uses and 1 weighted tuning fork that delivers vibration to bone, and tissue and assists in relaxation, releasing knots, inflammation, and tension.

Course Contents:

*Tuning Fork Basics, Care & Techniques & Applications

*Principles of Sound Healing - Matter, Sound Frequencies & Intervals - Science of Sound

*How We See Sound – The Science of Cymatics 

* The Benefits of Sound Healing

*Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Fork Set - Introduction (also known as the Solar Harmonic Spectrum Set)

*General Benefits of the Harmonic Spectrum Tuners

*Understanding the Harmonic Spectrum Scale - Introduction to each frequency

*Learn how to combine tuning fork through using the Intervalic system - basic healing benefits of the intervals -

*Whole Body Tuners (Harmonic/Perfect 5th) and their abilities for healing

*The Nervous System & how to balance it

*The Energy Centers & how to balance them

*Working with the Emotional System

*Treatments for better sleep, digestion, grounding, increasing motivation, reducing depression, reducing grief, and loss, and calming the body

*Balancing the Organ System, Endocrine System, Meridian System, Respiratory System, and circulatory System

*Working with subtle energy and running energy with tuning forks

*Using Crystals with Tuning Forks



Brain Health Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Training

(Class Video Available - Level 1 and 2 -  approx.11 hours of training)

Tuition Cost: $450  - (includes post-class support/mentoring as needed - the tuition does not include the cost of course tuning forks.)


Tuning Forks Taught: 5 pc Brainwave Tuning Fork Set, Solar Harmonic 384 Hz, and 341 Hz, 40 Hz Gamma Fork, Schumann Resonance Tuning Fork Set, and Schumann Resonance Fifth - 93.96 Hz (also known as the Sonic Slider)

Course Description

In this course, you will be trained in the tuning fork frequencies that assist in balancing the different components of the brain. Having a healthy functioning brain is paramount to healthy functioning body systems. These systems, such as the immune system, nervous system, endocrine system, and organ system are greatly influenced and directed by the different parts of the brain which sends signals to all parts of the body giving it directions for various autonomic functions.

In this Brain Health Tuning Fork Training course, you will learn how to tune and balance the brainwaves, brain hemispheres, limbic brain (the emotional part of the brain), and ventricles of the brain, pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, and more. 

You will be given information about these areas of the brain and their functions, and importance within the brain and body. Each student will have a chance to use the tuning forks in class to experience first-hand how they feel. 

Students will be given protocols and specific treatments to assist brain function and other functions such as assisting with sleep, the nervous system, and the emotional system. The different aspects of brain function will be broken down into a usable format during class.

There are many issues that arise within the body that can be assisted by having a healthy functioning whole brain. The knowledge gained in this class will give you a deeper understanding of how to keep your brain healthy, therefore assisting your body, mind, emotions, and spirit for health and well-being. This class comes with a comprehensive training manual. This class will not be recorded.

CEUs are available.


Ancient Solfeggio Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Training

(Class video available Level 1 & 2 - approx. 11 hours of training)


Tuition Cost: $450 - (includes post-class support as needed - the tuition does not include the cost of course tuning forks)

Course Tuning Forks Taught - 9 pc unweighted Solfeggio Tuners

Course Description

If you have been wondering about Sound Healing with Tuning Forks in general or the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies and how they assist with healing, then this is the class for you. Come experience how these lovely tones feel in your body and spirit. Each frequency will be showcased for its ability to assist the body and emotions. You will be given tuning fork techniques that allow you to use these tuning forks in combination with each other and as separate tuners.


Sound Healing Tuning Fork Therapy is used for personal health and wellness and as an add-on to other healing modalities such as massage therapy, reflexology, acupuncture, Reiki, and all body and energy work. This class is for the beginner through advanced tuning fork skill levels.

The Solfeggio frequencies/Solfeggio Tuning Forks are healing codes and nutrients for the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. In this course, you will learn how to use the Solfeggio Tuning Forks (9 unweighted tuners) - how to combine the frequencies together, and what each tuning fork or frequency unlocks in your body. Each of these tones resonates with the body and has profound healing abilities.

Course Content:

*Tuning Fork Basics - Techniques and uses

*Science of Sound and principles of sound healing and how the body utilizes these harmonic frequencies to assist in healing

* Hands-on Practice and application with the Solfeggio Tuning Forks

*Balancing Your Energy Centers w/ Solfeggio frequencies

*How to use these tones to release emotions and pain in the body.

*Re-patterning the body, mind & emotions

*Purifying your food and water

*Attributes and uses of each of the 9 Solfeggio Frequencies

*The 528: What is so unique about the 528 Hz frequency?

and more...

*The importance of the number 3, 6, 9 and their core creation values and how these tuning forks utilize the vibrations of these three numbers

*You will be shown how to use these forks for specific areas of the body to improve function in organs, glands, the brain, and tissue



Vibrational Bodywork, Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Training

(Class Video Available - Levels 1-3, approx. 17 hours of training)

Tuition Cost: $675  (includes Post-class tutoring and support as needed - the tuition cost does not include the cost of the tuning forks)

Tuning Forks Taught: All Weighted: Otto Tuners 32 Hz, 64 Hz, 128 Hz, OM 136 Hz, 68.05 Hz, Acute Inflammation Tuner, Chronic Inflammation Tuner,  50 Hz, 78 Hz

Course Description

These weighted tuning forks deliver vibration deep into bone and tissue. Weighted forks are used as a vibrational massage, to promote relaxation, remove inflammation, remove knots, and pain, and reduce swelling and tension in tissue and bone.

Each frequency has very specific conditions within the body that it can assist with, plus general qualities as well. Weighted tuning forks are also good for supporting the bones and re-proportioning bone structure. Learn how to work on the back, hips, head, legs, feet, arms, and hands with weighted tuning forks.


Massage Therapists and Reflexologists, find these weighted tuning forks especially helpful in their work. These forks work very efficiently at driving vibration very deep to shift tissue and bone. They have the ability to save hands and fingers from being overworked.


Class Contents

*Basic Anatomy of weighted tuning forks

* Tuning Fork Techniques, treatments, and Protocols

*Science of Sound - how the physics of resonance works in the body and the basic principles of sound healing - how sound vibrations work and why they work within the body.

*You will see plenty of demonstrations on how to use these forks

*You will be shown how to use the forks on the body and up to the ears

*Learn how to do a tuning-fork therapy session for yourself or on someone else.

*You will be given assistance on how to incorporate tuning forks into your healing practice and how to use them for yourself personally.


*Techniques and applications for removing knots, tension, inflammation, and resetting injuries to assist in healing.




Fibonacci & Sacred Geometry Tuning Fork Therapy Training - 

(Class Video Available Levels 1-2 - approx. 11 hours of training)



Tuition Cost: $450 - (includes post-class support as needed - the tuition does not include the cost of course tuning forks. The tuition cost does not include the cost of the course tuning forks)

Course Tuning Forks Taught: 8 pc Fibonacci Tuning Fork Set


You will be trained in the use of the Fibonacci tuning forks, treatments for yourself and others, techniques, and applications. You will be shown how they apply to the natural cycles and rhythms of Nature and the Cosmos. You will learn about Sacred Geometry, the Phi Ratio, and the Golden Proportion and how these intelligently designed and self-organizing Fibonacci Spirals are the growth spirals or logarithms for all of life. We will see how the birds of prey fly in a spiral, the flowers, and trees grow in this natural spiral, and how shells, animals, and humans show this spiral through ratios in their physiology.  The Sacred Fibonacci Spiral activates all form and matter and interconnects with the five Platonic Solids, which are the building blocks of creation. 

The Fibonacci Tuning fork and its ratios re-create that sacred spiral,  activating our own innate blueprint in a healthy beneficial way.  When we become aware of how all nature including our body and mind interact with this dual spiral on various levels through using these tuning forks we can activate our bodies at the cellular level and also move into high states of awareness.


In understanding how these tuning forks work we assist in bringing the body, mind, and spirit into greater wholeness. These tuning forks address the subtle and electrical energetics of the body, such as the nervous system, meridian system, the brain, and all subtle energetic pathways. Using these tuning forks can bring greater awareness into your life, assist in shifting addictive behaviors, and bring calm, and relaxation to the body and mind. 

As the body relaxes and feels that sense of calm, the Fibonacci Tuners assist one to move into a state of observing the self from a space of greater neutrality which allows one to make better choices and decisions in life.

This class is sure to give you greater insight into ways to assist you personally and to get a glimpse of our intelligently designed universe.



Additional Information

All classes are stand-alone, but may be combined for optimal learning and used together to create an entire Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Practice, allowing you to a Harmonic Sounds for Healing Tuning Fork Training Practitioner's Certification


*LMT CEUs available for all online classes

NOTE: No Refunds will be available after payment has been made on any of the courses - Upon approval, any course that has been paid for can be transferred for credit to be used for another course.

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